Wednesday, 11 June 2014

final research

Farming and importing crops

Crops are very important in the life; you can live with eating meat but the crops have a lot of vitamins and also have useful elements that are needed. The farming can compete with the imported crops.  But we face many problems in our country with farming because of many reasons like weather, fresh water, soils and costs. There is an argument about farming and importing crops and what is better for the UAE:   farming or importing crops.

Farming in the UAE is very difficult because the farming needs nice weather, fresh water, a lot of money and many workers. As we know, the weather in our country is so hot and dry in the summer and average in the winter. So some plants can't grow with this weather. We can build the glasshouse that is a good solution for the weather but it will cost more than imported crops.  On the other hand, we know the UAE has desert weather so that means there isn't a lot of fresh water and also there is not enough groundwater so they must to desalination of the sea water and also they can get water from drilling deep wells. On other hand , farmland suffers from soil creep and to control that danger the government works to build green belts and tree planting in the middle of the sand However, if they desalinate the sea water they must use a lot of power and a lot of oil so that means that will cost more money. There are many farmers who leave their farms because their lands don’t give them a lot of crops and they spend a lot of money but they don’t get the expected harvest from their land. Also they cannot get back the capital money they invest because the price of the imported crops is cheaper than the local crops. By the way, soils do not have enough elements that help the plant to grow. However, they must have a treatment for soil to be ready for use for farming through using the fertilizer and chemical materials. Farmers have a lack of farm understanding because they are uneducated, so we must provide agronomists for their support and education. The desert areas have a lot of small insects that feed on plants and crops, which leads to the destruction of crops and therefore we should use chemotherapy to get rid of them..

In my opinion, importing crops is better than farming because the farming will cost more than importing crops. Our country tries to depend on farming but that project will fail because the farmers have big losses so they are trying to find any solutions to restore their money by any way. On the other hand, when we import crops we can control what we need and deal with the price of the crops. If you want to depend on yourself in farming you must provide an appropriate environment, such as the right climate and provide the right amount of irrigation and try to find a return on your capital investment.


Electric execution is a process of killing a guilty person or a prisoner on a wooden chair by connecting him to an electrical live circuit in his head and legs. The first more powerful shock of electric current was designed to pass through the head and cause immediate unconsciousness and brain death. It is one type of execution that some countries use and also a terrifying way of killing. There is an argument in this issue which affects the moral and humanitarian issue between government laws and religious groups.

As per government and police crime division the rate of crime became high because of no strong execution and public disapproval to apply such rules. People think that they can freely do whatever they want to face the authority and they can run from the justice. The justice division wants to apply electrical execution to let the public be aware not to commit such a crime and so to avoid the painful and scary execution. But humanitarian groups and some other religion groups disagree with this type of execution; they found it against the will of God or against human rights to kill  guilty people by electrical execution. According to them it is not a proper way to punish such prisoners.

Some people conclude that electrical execution is a good way to show the public that anyone who commits a big crime is not excused from the result of his crime. But in my opinion it is not the answer because it will actually have a bad effect on any human who will see this horrifying way of punishment. And I believe that every human deserves a second chance to start a new life.       

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Case study



Marriage is a legal contract  between two persons.

The United Arab Emirates is a country where you can find different nationalities with different beliefs, religions, cultures and traditions. Living and working with multi nationals, Arabic men are starting to see the other world in the life of their colleagues. It is a different experience for them to see the other cultures and traditions. Making friends and even hanging out with other nationalities  sometimes leads them to marry a non- Muslim lady.

Emirates families believe that it is proper and best marriage for their son for them to keep their family tree to follow the Islamic way of marriage. Nowadays, Arabs are more open to the foreign traditions since they are interacting with multi-nationality workers and colleagues at work and in the community. Also the media influences these youngsters .

Some local youngsters nowadays prefer to marry their own choice of a potential wife by finding someone outside of their family or some prefer other nationalities which they know and met personally before, from a family friend, a colleague at work or from the college. They have a chance to see the lifestyle and behavior of that lady. And in some situations it will be easier for them to control and encourage the potential wife since they have a strong feeling and personal understanding due to acceptance and respect for each other from the beginning of the relationship.  With a lot of divorce cases here in the UAE, the problem starts when both families interfere which leads them to be annoyed in words or actions of the other family. And if she begins to make problem because of not getting what she demands her family will interfere and lead her to open a case against him or the worst thing is to divorce.

But some Arabic guys prefer to marry their own ladies as their family wants them to do. They prefer Arabic ladies, since they have the same belief, culture and tradition which is  strong family ties and a closed religion way of living which is an Islamic family lifestyle. They believe in following their parents wish to marry the lady they chose will let them have blessings from God or otherwise they will disappoint their family and it will be a big problem and bring shame to the family so they prefer to avoid this scenario. They are asking how the non-Muslim wife can teach the children about the Quran if she doesn't know anything about it. They say it will be easy for her to teach the children the Islamic religion and that they are following the local culture and tradition which they have learned and believe a good lifestyle . Having the same belief and tradition will be easier for the couples to share the challenge of life.

I therefore conclude that marrying an Arabic lady is better and more suitable for young local guy like me because of the common culture and tradition we have. I find it more comfortable and appropriate than marrying a stranger. I see my family tradition, beliefs and culture as a strong successful proof of arranged marriage that I want to share and teach to my children in the future. My parents are the best example of the Islamic lifestyle of living which I aspire to have for my happy married life.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Fair & false analogie

To compare the human heart with a pump is a fair analogy, as this is essentially the function of the heart i.e. to move blood around the circulatory system via arteries & veins.

To suggest that cloning humans is dangerous and could lead to the production of a Frankenstein's monster is a false argument because if we clone a sheep we get a sheep which is exactly the same.
Cloning may or may not be a good thing but arguments against it must be based on fair analogies & sound logical argument, not scare-mongering.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Critical thinking

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to give reasonable facts by being open minded to the arguments based on evidence and structured points of view. The process of critical thinking is needs focus and observation to be more aware in presenting the facts. Being able to support the evidence to arrive on justified conclusion.

It is necessary in some situations like solving issues or conflicts between household members or workplace by hearing and telling your constructive opinion about the issue.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


1.)    My understanding about critical thinking is a process of understanding one topic by opening my mind by digging in the information to arrive in the facts. It involves seeing a deeper side of the issue to arrive into conclusion.
2.)    Barriers of critical thinking are;
·         The emotional attitude – it is an attitude that you feel distress that you don’t want to argue so you refuse to listen and understand the issue.
·         Egocentric thinking – It hinders critical thinking because of close mindedness because of thinking of things related to yourself.
·         Misunderstanding
·         Arrogance and in tolerance
·         Group think.

3.)    Fallacies is an argument which involves poor reasoning. The five causes of fallacies are;
·         Personalization of argument  – the target is attacking the person's claim and focus into it rather the arguments.
·         Argument from authority – it is stating the claims is true because of the people and credible group  that cannot demonstrate the expertise but actually the truth will rely base on the evidence not on the person or group claiming it.
·         Argument from personal inability
·         Ignorance
·         You theory

4.)    Critical thinking benefits are;
·         Improve attention and observation – you will improve by giving all your attention and see all the sides of arguments.
·         More focus in reading- you will learn how to understand fully by reading every lines of argument.
·         Skills in analysis that you can choose to apply in different situation- you will learn to use your skills even in your personal situations.
·         Ability to respond to appropriate points- you will learn how to react to good point of view from seeing the fact of argument.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


1-Do not understands the topic very well.
2- Lake on English foundation.
3- Do not have much more practice in critical thinking.
4- Feeling shay and cannot talk in front of audience.
5- Lake of confidence.